"Portrait Study: Color . "Afternoon. Yard done. Shower. Cold drink. Baseball. " Artist Proof. 2024

"Portrait Study: Color . "Afternoon. Yard done. Shower. Cold drink. Baseball. "  Artist Proof.  2024, Art
"Portrait Study: Color . "Afternoon. Yard done. Shower. Cold drink. Baseball. " Artist Proof. 2024

Art    12 x 12 x 1.5    $1,200.00   

Digital photo on paper. Digitally edited on my Nikon D300 cellphone and edited with that same cellphone's photo editor. No AI's anywhere.
Artist Statement
First time shown.

I've taken care of yard work in a lot of situations. From a suburban yard with St Augustine and live oaks to middle of nowhere country where we mowed the yard with a bush hog and two weed eaters. All during Alabama heat and humidity that can reach up to 100 degrees. In each situation the feeling was the same. There is a moment of satisfaction when you've finished. You clean up and settle into somewhere cool to ( hopefully) watch a ball game. It could be baseball. It could be college football. But it is always the best.

This is an artist's proof.. One of a lot of experimentation. I actually didn't like it at first, but I framed it and hung it where I would walk past it every day. (Many of my photos are b&w and serious.) Then one day? I liked it. It was summer and more like my real life.


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