Lenoir_R-07-28-22 - - 07055

Lenoir_R-07-28-22 - - 07055, Art
Lenoir_R-07-28-22 - - 07055

Art    10 x 10    $500.00   

Pinhole camera - 8" x 10" film Photography
Artist Statement
I began to make multiple images of a nude in a grid in 1967 while beginning my MFA Thesis in Photography at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

I have been photographing the nude for over 50 years, exploring different cameras, processes and techniques. From the beginning of my working with the nude, I have been interested in making an image that says something, not being just a pretty image.

I worked with a pinhole camera beginning in 1998 for about twenty five years. In the later part of this project, I focused on the Nude at Home theme as at the model’s home everything that was in the image was a part of that models identity. With the Pinhole camera I would make an image using 8x10” film in a Quaker Oats cereal cylinder and the exposures would take two minutes. Often many of the images were ruined by the model’s movements. But this was a successful project because of the special moments that were successfully captured.


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